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Welcome to

Resilient Together!
Share how
 PG&E can help make your community more resilient.


Learn more about Resilient Together and the projects that are happening now. 


Learn more about PG&E's Climate Vulnerability Assessment and more on climate change.

Learn about and get involved in our Equity Advisory Group.

About Resilient Together

Resilient Together is an initiative by PG&E to convene community-based organizations to learn about how communities across California are impacted by extreme heat, flooding, and wildfires. PG&E’s Climate Vulnerability Assessment explores how climate change, and the resulting increase in extreme weather, impact energy infrastructure and the communities across PG&E's service area. By understanding communities’ response to and need during today’s extreme weather events, PG&E can plan for a more climate-resilient future.



PG&E is seeking your input to ensure that as climate hazards increase in frequency and severity, those who are most vulnerable have access to services and resources that keep community members safe. Share how you and your community deal with extreme heat, wildfire smoke, and other climate issues. 


Your feedback will inform PG&E’s planning and decisions related to climate resilience and infrastructure, helping to create a safer, more equitable, and reliable energy system.

Get Involved

We Want to Hear From You!

Over the next year, the Resilient Together project team will be holding a series of engagement activities to hear what our communities are concerned about and what is most important to you. Visit our Advise page to learn more about how you can be a part of our effort. You can also provide comments and thoughts in the comment form below. 

Share Your Ideas and Thoughts

Thanks for submitting!

Resilient Together is funded by PG&E's Climate Vulnerability Assessment Engagement
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